Our loan policy is simple - a month for everything, books, videos and audiobooks. Every cataloged item in the library should have a yellow checkout card in the back. Just take out the card, write a date one month from that day under "due date" and put your name and phone number on the card. Drop into into the little blue box on the shelf with other yellow cards. When you bring the item back, we'll put the card back in and reshelve the item.
How do you find a book or other item to check out? Well, if you're reading this you're probably online, so you can use our online catalog. Either use the search box on the left of this page, or visit our catalog on LibraryThing. Type in an author, words from the title, or a subject. That should bring you some results. Make a note of the call number in the results and come to the library. If you have trouble finding a book or other items in the library that you found in the catalog, please let me know.
If you're in the library, there is a white binder with title, subject and author lists. These aren't totally up to date right now, but I'll be working on them.
If you've got questions, please put them in contacts or drop me a line by clicking on the "about me" link towards the bottom of the page.
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