Monday, October 15, 2007


Note: This will always be on top of the page. Please scroll down for new entries!

Thank you for visiting the blog of the parish library of the Cathedral of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Juneau, Alaska. The purpose of this blog is to provide a convenient place to search the contents of the library, highlight parts of our collection and link to other resources we think Catholics and other Christians in Juneau will find helpful. It is written by Daniel Cornwall, the current volunteer parish librarian.

This blog is not connected in any official way with either the parish or the Diocese of Juneau. Any opinions expressed here are my own and do not represent any organization I am a member of.

With that bit of housekeeping out of the way, let me tell you what you'll find on this blog's front page, starting with the top left corner:

1) A listing of online magazines and journals that are available through the State of Alaska's Digital Pipeline. Click on any of the titles listed to browse a list of available issues. Each of the issues will have the full text of articles in the magazine. In most cases this will be more than is freely available on the publisher website. These links should be accessible to any Alaskan. If you have trouble getting into these magazines, please call 1-800-440-2919 for database passwords.

2) Search the Library - This is a search box that accesses the library's online catalog over at LibraryThing. Just type something in (i.e. merton, prayer, etc) and see what the library has to offer.

3) Juneau Church Sites - A listing of hopefully useful Juneau Catholic links. If you have one for me, send it my way by e-mailing dnlcornwall AT or look me up in the Cathedral's photo directory.

4) Rotating book display - Another feature drawn from our LibraryThing catalog that shows off five random covers from our library. Click on the title for more information about the book, or click on the cover to buy it through Amazon. But if you're in Juneau, we hope you'll stop in.

The library is open any hours the parish hall is.

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